Friday, September 30, 2011

Everything I Know about People… (cont.)

Rule #2: Positive Change through Compromise & Cooperation

by Merrilee Kittelstad

Being argumentative wins NO friends, no wars (though it might win the battle), and certainly no ‘warm fuzzies’ from management. But, challenging the status quo is often necessary in business in order to promote positive change. So what can you do? How do you strike a balance between just ‘going along to get along’ and being the ‘burr in the saddle’ that facilitates change?

The bottom line is that there is a happy medium. By paying attention to different personalities and different styles of conducting business it is possible to find a compromise between being abrasive and being a catalyst for change.

Here’s the thing: People fear change. So if you’re a ‘change agent’ sometimes you cannot help but foster fear in others, which could then escalate into conflict or alienation. Just remember that creating friction and disturbing the peace is often the only way change happens—the trick is simply finding a way to do it that doesn’t jeopardize a harmonious working environment. Here are just a few quick tips:

Be an active listener. Give others the chance to speak, and really listen to their ideas and concerns. Even if you don’t agree, it shows you are willing to hear ideas different than your own.

Take a deep breath. Sometimes it’s best just to walk away and take a breather if a situation becomes too stressful or volatile. That way, both parties have a chance to reconsider and hopefully come to a compromise.

Accept being wrong. At the end of the day, no matter how perfect your solution sounds, you simply have to accept that it may not be the best for all involved. It’s a tough lesson, but once learned it will make you a better professional.

When everyone works together, one extreme balances the other—and the result is a positive, cooperative work environment.

Until next week,